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Categories: 9
Prices: British Pounds
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Entry closing date for all events: unless specified below, entries close on the Monday prior to the event
Event: CANIX Pembrey 29, 30 and 31st August 2021
Saturday and Sunday 5km course.
Monday 10km course
2.5km (cubs, juniors and have- a - go) Please note have a go class does not score CaniX National Championship points.
Entries close: Monday 23 August ENTRIES ARE CLOSED
All entrants and their supporters are expected to follow our covid-19 mitigations as a condition of entry.
Address is Pembrey Country Park, Pembrey, Burry Port SA16 0EJ, Please note the postcode will not take you directly to the start and the following instrucitons should be followed.
Enter the park at the barrier. Follow the road passing the old visitor centre, and campsite entrance to your right. Shortly after this the road bends to the left uphill and to the right heading into the woods. You will see the canix signs. You may park either in the field right by the start and finish or in the small event field to the right (where we have previously camped)
Please note Pembrey Country Park operates charges via a ANPR system. You will need to pay at the pay station located by the old visitor centre before you leave. There is no payment at the exit barrier. Payment can also be made in advance online here prices are: up to 2 hours £3, all day £6. There are a number of attractions which you may wish to use after racing, and a dog car-park giving access to the beach.
parking is at owners risk. This will be on a rally field on grass. Please be aware of over-hanging branches, or osticles in the grass.
Camping is off site in Pembrey Village, please refer to camping booking form for full information: Location is SA16 0JX
Timetable (unless otherwise stated or temperatures dictate an earlier start, check Twitter prior to departure or on the morning of the event)
The course will be marked by mid Friday afternoon; you are advised to walk the course prior to running.
please keep dogs quiet on arrival; there is a large campsite adjacent to the start. They will not appreciate your dog's enthusiastic barking!
Times from both saturday and sunday will be acumulated to give podium placings. Monday will be a stand alone event.